VK-based VHF digital modes list vs frequencies
I am trying to compile a current list of digital modes (with settings) versus frequencies for VHF and UHF in Australia as I cannot seem to locate the info in just one document.  
New modes appear and old modes become dis-used so changes do occur relatively quickly and often. 
I do not have confirmed 70CM info so it has not been included at this time.  
The settings like submode refer to the likes of the WSJT-X software and probably in the others too.
So far :

FT8        50.313
FT8      144.320

FT4        50.318
FT4      144.325

Q65-60C  144.225 :  T/R 60s, submode C,  Ftol 200  { Ftol values to be confirmed }
Q65-30A    50.275 :  T/R 30s, submode A,  Ftol 200  { Ftol values to be confirmed }

MSK144    50.230:  T/R 15s,  Ftol 200
MSK144  144.230:  T/R 15s,  Ftol 200  -   alternate : 144.215 T/R 15s,

{ Note MSK info was 30S, edited to 15S;  Ftol values to be confirmed }

Do you have any edits, additions, alternate frequencies for any given mode ??  
Please post your info here and we can combine it all to provide an up-to-date list in just one place, and maybe get it as an additional data reference point on VKSPOTTER.COM in due course.

73 Doug
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,
Wanted to do this for a while, but just don't have enough time in the day.
Thank you for making a start on this.

I think the Q65 Tol is incorrect.
Peter VK5PJ had a setup document for Q65 here but it seems to have gone.
He was saying it should be 20.
Would be nice to link to documents like this when available.

MSK144 should be 15 Sec periods.
Maybe Kevin VK4UH can provide a public document about the weekend operating procedure in VK.
I could steal it from AR mag, but would be nice to have an official copy from the Guru :-)
Hilary, VK2AZ QF56IF31
Person to blame for VKSpotter

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