First Bight Path Opening of the season 21/22
Quick write up for what you could say is the first Bight Path opening for the Australian Summer season, right on the equinox day. This path is 2140 km in length, between Phil VK5AKK and Nigel VK6CPU. Made during the morning 23rd September 2021 on 144 MHz WSPR. This path right into the Perth area is actually relatively rare... as far as we know, but maybe not with WSPR and more stations on air. Well done guys.
It should also be noted that there was a VK5 to VK7 path in the region of 1000 km also during the previous night. Apologies, I wasnt paying too much attention at the time.
Regarding the VK6 path, it would seem that Nigel VK6NI was not within the tropo zone at all. If you see the weather maps I have attached you can see the cloudy area thats pushed into the VK6NI region (very southern coast of VK6 for those unaware), this weather phenomina probably kept the tropo area to the north of VK6NI and fed right into VK6CPU. Great way to kick of the new season!

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[Image: 241486375_10157863992641986_521187926826...e=61728300]
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West

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