Australian NTP servers off
I was fiddling with WSJT X today and noticed that Dimension4, the time setter I use was failing to connect to the server I had set, Deakin uni. I tried all the au servers in D4's drop down list but none worked! Odd.
I tried a server in Belgium and it worked. Tried Berlin uni and it worked too so I have left it there, thinking Berlin uni would be very reliable.

What would have caused all the servers in D4's list to fail.
I haven't tried any other at the moment. Will leave it till the morning.

73 Nev  VK3LU

I use the NTP pool servers with NetTime, and have done so for for a long time. Maybe these are worth trying :

Most stations on 20m FT8 a few seconds ago are within 0.1 and 0.2 seconds of "real time" according to WSJTX 260. { latest update to be done }


Postscript : and similar time offsets after update to WSJT-X 261..
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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+1 to what Doug said..

Always use the pool hosts.

These automatically provide hosts from a "pool" for your service to sync to.

This means that if a hosts goes away, some other host replaces it and your time sync doesn't falter as you have found with Dimension4 looking for Deakin.

Best practice is to always have 3 or more server names configured to ensure you receive the correct time.

If you configure to use all the pool hosts you will always be in sync and have plenty of redundancy.

Thanks Doug and Tim.
I have entered those four addresses into Dimension4 and am using the first at the moment.
Unfortunately D4 wont allow multiple selections. 
I briefly tried Deakin uni this evening and it was still off. I will try the others tomorrow.
The fact that all au sites are off made me think that they might get their time from a central source somewhere which has failed. Who knows? It's all rather odd.

73 Nev  VK3LU

Previously I used D4 also but found much the same issues. Although old-ish, 'NetTime' allows multiple NTP settings although there are probably plenty more (/newer) applications that would do the same. 

I use V3.14 as it is the 'stable release', and it runs on Win10 just fine, Win7 before that.


Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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