FTDI USB-serial adapter PCBs
FTDI USB-serial adapter PCBs

So you have bought a nominal FTDI interface board from eBay or similar to use to interface to your handheld (+ )  so you can use Chirp.  [ https://chirpmyradio.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home ]


And most of these PCBs have a mini-USB socket instead of a type-C.   Suitable USB leads are now hard-to-find.

You plugged it into a spare USB port via a cable and there isn't a new COM port appearing.. But.. the TX and RX LEDs flashed and the power LED is lit !

Even though you might have installed the FT232RL drivers from https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/ , the serial port does not appear in Windows Device Manager under Ports (COM and LPT).  In lieu the device might appear under the generic title USB devices when plugged in via the cable.

Checking the properties of it shows an error message like ‘Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)’
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
A request for the USB device descriptor failed.
No driver is loaded..

Sometimes there may be a good reason for that :
1. it could be a fake FT232RL chip;
2. or more likely, you grabbed a long unused USB type A to mini-USB lead that was supplied with your dash-cam or GPS or similar and used that to plug in the FTDI board.

Unfortunately, those type of leads do NOT support USB data exchange, some have only the 2 power wires in them in lieu of 4 etc, so if your USB lead is more than about 0.5 metre to 1.0 metre long, your very first thing to do is find/buy a short cable.

Plug in the new/short lead and up pops your new COM port !

PS Grab that old lead and mark it "Power Only" so you do not fall into that trap again..
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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I have different workflow for power only cables* - I adjust the length by about 50% with side cutters then lovingly place them into an e-waste recycling bin...

*I have one for my phone that I keep - I use it for charging at hotels and airports and the like. One less attack vector...
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
Yep... fell into this exact trap on the weekend trying to program uBlox GPS boards.
I thought all my boards were toast until I changed the cable to a different one.
I've labeled the offending cable so as not to make that mistake again.

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