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Thread: New Icom 2m - 10Ghz radio !
Post: RE: New Icom 2m - 10Ghz radio !
VK4ADC Wrote: (23-08-2022, 02:14 PM)
Was taliking to Ross at Strictly Ham earlier and he suggests that the IC-905 availability is probably about 2 years away.. so that gives you lots of time to sa... |
General Discussion
27 |
13,795 |
05-10-2022, 08:28 AM |
Thread: Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference - Expressions of Interest
Post: RE: Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference - Expressions o...
Registrations for the Tassie Ham Radio Conference and Expo are now available! Please head to the website below and click on "CONFERENCE & EXPO REGISTRATION PORTAL" link at the t... |
Club Activities, Hamfests, Gippstech
4 |
7,062 |
11-08-2022, 03:39 PM |
Thread: Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference - Expressions of Interest
Post: RE: Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference - Expressions o...
Hi All,
We can now announce the dates of this event and more information here:
We hope to see you all in Hobart in Nov... |
Club Activities, Hamfests, Gippstech
4 |
7,062 |
16-07-2022, 03:48 PM |
Thread: Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference - Expressions of Interest
Post: Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference - Expressions of In...
Hello All,
On behalf of the Radio and Electronics School of Southern Tasmania Inc (REAST) we'd like to invite expressions of interest to a proposed event to be held in the last quarter of 2022 in Hob... |
Club Activities, Hamfests, Gippstech
4 |
7,062 |
23-06-2022, 10:40 AM |
Thread: 60 Minutes: Finding MH370: New breakthrough
Post: RE: 60 Minutes: Finding MH370: New breakthrough
VK3DXE Wrote: (27-02-2022, 10:44 PM)
This dude was comprehensively debunked the first time the drugs wore off and he was able to articulate his hallucination. Will see if I can find it.
Maybe... |
General Discussion
8 |
2,576 |
28-02-2022, 10:41 AM |
Thread: AHRDF domain expiry coming closer..
Post: RE: AHRDF domain expiry coming closer..
Would hate to see another forum go down the gurgler... don't do an Adam on us... ;) |
23 |
7,795 |
22-12-2021, 05:15 PM |
Thread: 2021 Remembrance Day Contest
Post: 2021 Remembrance Day Contest
Attention ALL VK/ZL/P29 stations!
This weekend is the Remembrance Day Contest for 2021 (14th and 15th August) starting at 0300 UTC until 0300 UTC.
We'd like to see as many stations participate a... |
Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA
2 |
1,006 |
09-08-2021, 03:08 PM |
Thread: 2021 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day June 26/27
Post: RE: 2021 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day June 26/27
Whose bright idea was it to schedule the WIA AGM the same weekend as the Field Day? |
Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA
11 |
2,292 |
25-06-2021, 03:00 PM |
Thread: Icom IC-7300 SETUP for WSJT/FT8 Digital Modes (Easy and Simple)
Post: RE: Icom IC-7300 SETUP for WSJT/FT8 Digital Modes ...
VK3RX Wrote: (07-06-2021, 01:38 PM)
Thanks again Hayden :)
Great info and video as usual.
Thank you Damien,
Appreciate you watching :D |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
2 |
1,840 |
13-06-2021, 09:31 PM |
Thread: Icom IC-7300 SETUP for WSJT/FT8 Digital Modes (Easy and Simple)
Post: Icom IC-7300 SETUP for WSJT/FT8 Digital Modes (Eas...
Got a Icom IC-7300 you want to use on digital? I will show you exactly how to setup your Icom IC-7300 for use with WSJT-X and other digital modes such as FT8.
These are my settings on my radio that ... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
2 |
1,840 |
06-06-2021, 11:07 AM |
Thread: ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements
Post: RE: ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regul...
A courteous reminder that the live stream is tonight!
Look forward to having you all on there. |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
41 |
11,224 |
15-03-2021, 02:29 PM |
Thread: 2m WSPR Leaderboard - Jan 2021
Post: RE: 2m WSPR Leaderboard - Jan 2021
Esperance is 700+ kms from Perth.
you have a better chance of winning Lotto, unfortunately Esperance is just too far away to do anything with.
Hi Rob,
I think this kind of ... |
Digital Modes
14 |
4,835 |
19-01-2021, 03:33 PM |
Thread: Does the Icom IC-705 Drift? Test and Results HERE!
Post: Does the Icom IC-705 Drift? Test and Results HERE!
Does the Icom IC-705 drift in frequency? The results may surprise you! In this video I put that to the test with my IC-705 using WSPR. The radio was set to transmit 5W and received by my GPS locked IC... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
1 |
2,038 |
20-10-2020, 08:01 AM |
Thread: Icom IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 Waterfall Setup for Weak Signals
Post: Icom IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 Waterfall Setup f...
In this video, I show the waterfall display options I use on the Icom IC-705 to find weak signal stations. This not only works for the IC-705 but also the IC-7300 and IC-9700 |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
0 |
1,724 |
06-10-2020, 09:01 AM |
Thread: Should You Buy an Icom IC-705?
Post: Should You Buy an Icom IC-705?
With the Icom IC-705 being a hot topic at the moment I ask the question, should you buy one? Why would you be interested in getting this newest radio from Icom?
I'm going to provide you with the reas... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
0 |
1,687 |
21-09-2020, 08:49 AM |
Thread: This Radio is AMAZING! The Icom IC-705 Unboxing and First Thoughts!
Post: RE: This Radio is AMAZING! The Icom IC-705 Unboxin...
VK3RX Wrote: (02-09-2020, 07:56 PM)
No wonder that brought a smile to your dial :)
A great looking unit, so nice in fact I'd be reluctant to use one "in the field" for fear of getting it dirty... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
2 |
2,113 |
03-09-2020, 09:39 AM |
Thread: This Radio is AMAZING! The Icom IC-705 Unboxing and First Thoughts!
Post: This Radio is AMAZING! The Icom IC-705 Unboxing an...
Today my Icom IC-705 arrived on my doorstep. I decided to get the camera out as quick as possible as I wanted to take the radio out, but not before unboxing to see what you get.
In Australia we hav... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
2 |
2,113 |
02-09-2020, 04:26 PM |
Thread: My Thoughts and Review of the Icom IC-7300 - The Best HF/6m Ham Radio!
Post: RE: My Thoughts and Review of the Icom IC-7300 - T...
VK2ZIWThanks for the review Hayden, Wrote: (24-08-2020, 06:52 PM)
The single USB connection, does it provide two, three or more different USB devices?
Audio via such as a C-Media CM-119 or Creati... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
6 |
2,997 |
25-08-2020, 09:45 AM |
Thread: My Thoughts and Review of the Icom IC-7300 - The Best HF/6m Ham Radio!
Post: RE: My Thoughts and Review of the Icom IC-7300 - T...
VK4FAUS Wrote: (18-08-2020, 02:49 PM)
Watched your video yesterday, just happened to search for 7300 reviews and yours was on the list at 2 hours old. It's a good review.
I'm about to buy 1, I ... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
6 |
2,997 |
22-08-2020, 11:26 PM |
Thread: My Thoughts and Review of the Icom IC-7300 - The Best HF/6m Ham Radio!
Post: My Thoughts and Review of the Icom IC-7300 - The B...
What can I say, the Icom IC-7300 is an amazing radio! I'm glad that I purchased this radio and can't wait to use it more. I believe that it is the best HF/6m ham radio that I have owned.
In this vi... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
6 |
2,997 |
17-08-2020, 07:56 PM |
Thread: GPS Lock Your Icom IC-9700 with the Leo Bodnar Injection Board! Simple Installation &
Post: GPS Lock Your Icom IC-9700 with the Leo Bodnar Inj...
Introducting the Leo Bodnar IC-9700 GPS Injection Board. This board is installed into your Icom IC-9700 and solves the issue of drift and frequency stability! Best of all NO soldering is required!
... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
0 |
1,708 |
12-08-2020, 08:16 PM |
Thread: 3-letter calls for all Advanced, Standard and FOUNDATION licensees..
Post: RE: 3-letter calls for all Advanced, Standard and ...
Also it's not an amateurs job to police who is allowed on what bands etc, so I don't really see an issue. That's the ACMA's job to do.
If someone suspects someone is on a band they are not allowed ... |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
6 |
3,061 |
05-08-2020, 03:41 PM |
Thread: Icom IC-705 users
Post: Icom IC-705 users
Hi All,
The IC-705 is due to be released in Australia in mid-August.
Strictly Ham takes up the story:
IC-705 Price Announcement.and release date.
Strictly Ham is pleased to announce the price... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
1 |
1,764 |
09-07-2020, 09:23 AM |
Thread: Icom IC-9700 - Everything You Need to Know
Post: Icom IC-9700 - Everything You Need to Know
Thinking of buying a Icom IC-9700? Or own one already and want to get the most out of the rig?
This presentation was recorded at the REAST (Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania) cl... |
Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers
0 |
1,667 |
03-07-2020, 10:00 AM |
Thread: MFJ -1848 Hexbeam HF Antenna Unboxing & Review - Part 1
Post: MFJ -1848 Hexbeam HF Antenna Unboxing & Review - P...
The MFJ-1848 hexbeam HF antenna from MFJ Enterprises allows operation from the 40m-6 meter bands with just one antenna! One coax! In Part 1 of this video we unbox the antenna and start assembly. Part ... |
0 |
1,983 |
16-06-2020, 09:48 PM |