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    Thread: Silent Key VK4YT
Post: Silent Key VK4YT

Nick Watling VK4YT OAM DFC died last week aged 90. He was a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the conservation, restoration and operation of WW2 and post-war military radio equipment...
VK4WDM Silent Keys 1 4,461 30-10-2022, 12:06 PM
    Thread: Emtron EAT-300 antenna tuner manual
Post: RE: Emtron EAT-300 antenna tuner manual

VK3LU Wrote: (10-02-2020, 09:46 AM) -- Wayne, Is this what you want? I just googled it. Nev [hr] Dammit. The attachment vanished! Nev [hr] VK3LU Wrote: (10-02-2020, 09:46 AM) -- Wayne,...
VK4WDM Ancillary, Test Equipment, Components & Parts 4 3,242 10-02-2020, 03:53 PM
    Thread: Emtron EAT-300 antenna tuner manual
Post: Emtron EAT-300 antenna tuner manual

Hello I need a copy of an Emtron EAT-300 antenna tuner. Can anyone help? 73 Wayne VK4WDM
VK4WDM Ancillary, Test Equipment, Components & Parts 4 3,242 10-02-2020, 09:21 AM
    Thread: 144 MHz ZL to VK1,2,3,4,5 19th Dec 2019
Post: RE: 144 MHz ZL to VK1,2,3,4,5 19th Dec 2019

I made a lot of SSB and some CW CQ calls on 2m during this event with no results.  Does that mean that the signals detected by WSPR were too weak to support those modes (maybe I should have tried JT65...
VK4WDM Propagation and Solar Cycle News 3 1,763 21-12-2019, 07:58 PM
    Thread: Connecting two digital interfaces to the same computer
Post: RE: Connecting two digital interfaces to the same ...

VK3LU Wrote: (08-11-2019, 12:49 PM) -- Hi Wayne, Yes you can. I use one USB connection to a SignaLink to an FT817nd and another direct USB connection to my IC7300. I have two shortcuts on the Desktop...
VK4WDM Computer related 3 2,936 10-12-2019, 07:54 PM
    Thread: Huge Sporadic E Opening 30th Nov 2019
Post: RE: Huge Sporadic E Opening 30th Nov 2019

Hi Leigh I was on one of those ships off the coast and missed the event   :( I wonder how many other QSOs there were on non-digital modes?  We had some really good SpE events last summer too but th...
VK4WDM Propagation and Solar Cycle News 1 1,366 07-12-2019, 03:28 PM
    Thread: Does smoke haze affect VHF/UHF propagation?
Post: RE: Does smoke haze affect VHF/UHF propagation?

VK2KRR Wrote: (23-11-2019, 11:05 AM) -- Hi Wayne I dont know what frequency your working on there, but smoke probably has some effect of diffraction and scattering due to the differing densities o...
VK4WDM 144MHz & 432MHz 2 2,633 23-11-2019, 05:29 PM
    Thread: Does smoke haze affect VHF/UHF propagation?
Post: Does smoke haze affect VHF/UHF propagation?

The atmosphere over much of eastern (and probably southern and western) Australia have been filled with smoke haze for weeks now. My question is: does smoke haze inhibit propagation on VHF and UHF? ...
VK4WDM 144MHz & 432MHz 2 2,633 22-11-2019, 01:33 PM
    Thread: Townsville beacons and repeaters outage
Post: Townsville beacons and repeaters outage

A bush fire on Mount Stuart has put the Townsville Amateur Radio Club's 10m, 6m and 23cm beacons and 2m and 70cm repeaters off the air. Antennas and feed lines were melted and power to the equipment h...
VK4WDM General Discussion 0 2,038 16-11-2019, 12:50 PM
    Thread: Connecting two digital interfaces to the same computer
Post: Connecting two digital interfaces to the same comp...

I use a SignaLink USB interface for WSJT-X digi modes on my FTdx-1200 for HF. I have just added another SignaLink USB interface to my FT-847 for VHF/UHF.  Can I connect the both interfaces to the same...
VK4WDM Computer related 3 2,936 08-11-2019, 09:14 AM
    Thread: Hey whats that
Post: RE: Hey whats that

I just did my RF path profile. Very depressing :( :( :(  Certainly explains why I get poor results in a lot of directions. Wayne VK4WDM
VK4WDM General Discussion 3 2,502 08-11-2019, 08:59 AM
    Thread: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Post: RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions

VK2KRR Wrote: (28-09-2019, 10:28 PM) -- Wayne, A lot can be done with 10 watts, an efficient antenna, low loss feed line and the right Ionospheric or Tropospheric conditions. I've been running about...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 7,224 29-09-2019, 05:47 AM
    Thread: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Post: RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions

The word that springs to my mind is "underwhelming."  I was expecting the most exciting shake up and modernization of AR in its history :( I seems that the ACMA has only made a fraction of the changes...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 7,224 27-09-2019, 01:05 PM
    Thread: France proposes 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical Mobile Service
Post: RE: France proposes 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical M...

Nice to see that sense prevails. Shows the very important need for AR to continue to fund delegations to important meetings. Wayne VK4WDM
VK4WDM General Discussion 10 3,517 31-08-2019, 11:03 AM
    Thread: Anyone tried the new exam system yet?
Post: RE: Anyone tried the new exam system yet?

VK4MST Wrote: (26-08-2019, 09:08 PM) -- Hello All,             Just a quick update.  My licence has come through today, after a quick reminder to ACMA.  So for those counting, that's  4 weeks from t...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 6,751 27-08-2019, 08:26 PM
    Thread: Anyone tried the new exam system yet?
Post: RE: Anyone tried the new exam system yet?

VK3RX Wrote: (12-08-2019, 03:20 PM) -- Well done, Tim :) Catch you on air sometime - -- Yes, well done! 73 Wayne VK4WDM
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 6,751 13-08-2019, 02:44 PM
    Thread: CAS-7B launch expected July 22 2019
Post: RE: CAS-7B launch expected July 22 2019

Anyone heard of any contacts being made on this satellite?  I have heard the beacon, but have not heard any signals on the down link. Further to the above, does anybody know of any real-time spotti...
VK4WDM Satellites & Balloons 2 1,746 03-08-2019, 02:00 PM
    Thread: Radios for Anson aircraft restoration
Post: RE: Radios for Anson aircraft restoration

VK4ADC Wrote: (27-07-2019, 08:15 AM) -- Wayne You should probably ask the same question on 7125 KHz AM during the 'boat anchors' morning nets. Many of those operators are using old gear and may h...
VK4WDM Wanted 3 2,914 27-07-2019, 10:23 AM
    Thread: Anyone tried the new exam system yet?
Post: RE: Anyone tried the new exam system yet?

I taught in the university system, including UNITAS for many years, and getting a new course up and running is a very complex issue no matter what the academic level of the course. The syllabus and te...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 6,751 24-07-2019, 03:33 PM
    Thread: Radios for Anson aircraft restoration
Post: Radios for Anson aircraft restoration

The radio section at the RAAF Townsville Aviation Heritage Centre has been asked to help find radio equipment  for a Mark 1 Anson aircraft that is being restored at RAAF Base Amberley. The listed ...
VK4WDM Wanted 3 2,914 24-07-2019, 11:35 AM
    Thread: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Post: RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions

VK4ADC Wrote: (19-07-2019, 03:47 PM) -- BUMP again.  It is important that your views are submitted to the ACMA before the closing date. Do it this weekend... Fingers to keyboard. -- I am writing...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 7,224 19-07-2019, 08:07 PM
    Thread: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Post: RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions

Hi Colin I agree with you. I don't really see any negatives with these proposals at all provided the license structure is maintained and others have corrected my earlier incorrect view on that. ...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 7,224 30-06-2019, 08:02 PM
    Thread: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Post: RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions

I have only had a quick read but some of the proposed changes are certainly startling to say the least!   As I see it there will be very little difference between the three classes of license so will ...
VK4WDM Regulatory, Licencing & Exams 23 7,224 30-06-2019, 11:41 AM
    Thread: Transatlantic QSO on 2m FT8
Post: RE: Transatlantic QSO on 2m FT8

VK2KRR Wrote: (25-06-2019, 02:05 PM) -- Wayne, thats certainly something to get excited about!  Frank, I think it really depends on the characteristics of the tropo at the time, obviously not as f...
VK4WDM 144MHz & 432MHz 15 4,722 25-06-2019, 03:49 PM
    Thread: Transatlantic QSO on 2m FT8
Post: RE: Transatlantic QSO on 2m FT8

VK2KRR Wrote: (22-06-2019, 05:59 PM) -- Hi Frank, Nice work re the QSO  :D I noticed this missed opportunity for FNQ to ZL earlier in the year - -- I have heard ZL several times on 2m SSB from ...
VK4WDM 144MHz & 432MHz 15 4,722 23-06-2019, 02:23 PM