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Thread: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 5, 2024
Post: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 5, 2024
Landing in your mail box, PO Box, or newsagent from this week.
This issue is so packed with such sparkling content that the Publications Committee recommends you wear safety glasses to read it! :D
VK2ZRH/4 |
0 |
517 |
25-09-2024, 09:35 AM |
Thread: star date 89042.1 (2035-07) LOTW makes a return
Post: RE: star date 89042.1 (2035-07) LOTW makes a retur...
Yep. What he said. Where is that "like" button? :D :rolleyes: :P |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Off Topic!
6 |
2,212 |
12-06-2024, 11:08 PM |
Thread: A "licence" document for Australian amateurs
Post: RE: A "licence" document for Australian amateurs
Just to be clear, the one concerted "approach" to the ACMA is that from the WIA, which was onto it from the start (along with raising other unintended/unforseen consequences upon launch of the class l... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
9 |
2,685 |
02-06-2024, 01:59 PM |
Thread: A "licence" document for Australian amateurs
Post: RE: A "licence" document for Australian amateurs
It's a pity, Damien, that you didn't provide some salient context, such as this posting closely following Andy's petition:
From the WIA script for the 2 May VK1WIA broa... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
9 |
2,685 |
02-06-2024, 10:31 AM |
Thread: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 3, 2024
Post: RE: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 3, 2024
Well, Colin. Check this out. I sincerely hope the efforts of contributors and the Publications Committee may change your mind. |
VK2ZRH/4 |
3 |
1,615 |
23-05-2024, 05:52 PM |
Thread: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 3, 2024
Post: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 3, 2024
Issue 3 now on the press. Soon to be in your hands. More guts, less gab. |
VK2ZRH/4 |
3 |
1,615 |
22-05-2024, 03:07 PM |
Thread: FT8 and Q65 to JA during TEP on 2m
Post: RE: FT8 and Q65 to JA during TEP on 2m
You have to wait until after the sun sets on the base of the ionosphere's F-layer at the geomagnetic equator on the mid-point of the JA-VK path.
Q65 from the WSJT suite is better equipped to handle... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
144MHz & 432MHz
27 |
8,533 |
13-02-2024, 05:44 PM |
Thread: Replying to a forum post - everyone please read !
Post: RE: Replying to a forum post - everyone please rea...
Indubitably. You have outlined the problem and detailed the approach. Doubtless, it's simple. |
VK2ZRH/4 |
1 |
2,961 |
01-02-2024, 05:58 PM |
Thread: Server issues 29Dec23
Post: RE: Server issues 29Dec23
I have a tendency to be inexplicably too brief to have a spontaneous response to threads on this magnificent forum, but nevertheless let me contribute the following:
What he said. :D |
VK2ZRH/4 |
5 |
4,068 |
01-01-2024, 03:41 PM |
Thread: ACMA update 13 December 2023 re Class Licensing changes
Post: RE: ACMA update 13 December 2023 re Class Licensin...
And this announcement went out at the same time:
12 December 2023
ACMA publishes CRIS for 2023–24 fees
A cost recovery implementation statement (CRIS) shows how we recover costs for our regul... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
2 |
3,969 |
12-12-2023, 06:58 PM |
Thread: 23cm SAVED!
Post: 23cm SAVED!
A new footnote to the ITU Radio Regulations will preserve amateur radio use of 1240-1300 MHz under the following conditions:
regulatory certainty for the protection of RNSS receivers from harmful in... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
1296MHz, Microwave & Opto
0 |
1,700 |
10-12-2023, 04:51 PM |
Thread: ACMA Update to Amateur Licensing arrangements
Post: RE: ACMA Update to Amateur Licensing arrangements
Here's the URL that works: |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
1 |
4,690 |
28-11-2023, 02:16 PM |
Thread: ACMA Update to Amateur Licensing arrangements
Post: ACMA Update to Amateur Licensing arrangements
By email from ACMA
28 November 2023
Status of new amateur radio arrangements and transition with AMC
As indicated in our August 2023 update,... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
1 |
4,690 |
28-11-2023, 10:00 AM |
Thread: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 6, 2023
Post: Amateur Radio magazine - Issue 6, 2023
Look out for Issue 6 landing late next week - 30 November. In your letterbox, your Post Office Box, or your local newsagent.
The theme for this issue is Antennas, Feedlines, and Propagation. Some... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
0 |
1,212 |
27-11-2023, 11:22 AM |
Thread: Solar Cycle rising faster, to peak higher than forecast
Post: Solar Cycle rising faster, to peak higher than for...
NOAA forecasts quicker, stronger peak of solar activity
The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of the USA's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released a revised predict... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Propagation and Solar Cycle News
0 |
633 |
30-10-2023, 09:57 AM |
Thread: Gold Coast Hamfest 2023 (VK4)
Post: RE: Gold Coast Hamfest 2023 (VK4)
Worth the effort. I went last year. Be there, or be . . . left out. :D |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Club Activities, Hamfests, Gippstech
2 |
3,970 |
22-09-2023, 11:07 AM |
Thread: Turn over your dusty or unloved uWave gear
Post: RE: Turn over your dusty or unloved uWave gear
"A splendid idea" (said public service head, Sir Humphrey Appleby to Minister, Jim Hacker, in Yes Minister). :D
No, seriously. That's how I got a "leg up" into/onto the microwave bands. And when I ... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
1296MHz, Microwave & Opto
6 |
29,977 |
28-07-2023, 09:09 AM |
Thread: USA commercial interests push for 20 kW on bands in 2-25 MHz
Post: RE: USA commercial interests push for 20 kW on ban...
VK2TS Wrote: (14-07-2023, 08:22 AM)
VK2ZRH/4 Wrote: (12-07-2023, 01:50 PM)
Dateline - 11 July 2023: An ARRL news release outlines the move by US "commercial interests" seeking HF spectrum allo... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
General Discussion
2 |
7,933 |
14-07-2023, 11:41 AM |
Thread: USA commercial interests push for 20 kW on bands in 2-25 MHz
Post: USA commercial interests push for 20 kW on bands i...
Dateline - 11 July 2023: An ARRL news release outlines the move by US "commercial interests" seeking HF spectrum allocations to establish data communications on multiple bands across 2 – 25 MHz runnin... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
General Discussion
2 |
7,933 |
12-07-2023, 01:50 PM |
Thread: ACMA update re class licensing
Post: RE: ACMA update re class licensing
VK3RX Wrote: (26-05-2023, 01:07 PM)
Perhaps the AMC has decided that management of functions associated with amateur radio examination services doesn't fit their maritime-oriented model and is mor... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Regulatory, Licencing & Exams
8 |
11,044 |
26-05-2023, 03:36 PM |
Thread: New Icom 2m - 10Ghz radio !
Post: RE: New Icom 2m - 10Ghz radio !
IIRC, all amateur equipment made and/or sold in Japan - including that which you build yourself - requires "type approval". :-/
Cheers, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
VK2ZRH/4 |
General Discussion
27 |
13,795 |
05-03-2023, 03:13 PM |
Thread: mapping heard activity from my station
Post: RE: mapping heard activity from my station
VK5PJ Wrote: (14-02-2023, 06:32 PM)
Hi Roger,
the files are named by month of coverage, 2022-09 is Sept 2022. In JTDX it gets saved into monthly files, WSJT-X just saves it into one BIG file so... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Computer related
4 |
1,990 |
15-02-2023, 11:43 PM |
Thread: mapping heard activity from my station
Post: RE: mapping heard activity from my station
Wow, Peter. I looove it.
From your map file names, it seems that the data you used is at a specific time. Am I correct? |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Computer related
4 |
1,990 |
14-02-2023, 03:18 PM |
Thread: E51WL/b
Post: RE: E51WL/b
What he said.
Great to see the use of "old school" methodology to provide a solution. |
VK2ZRH/4 |
AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX
2 |
29,291 |
05-02-2023, 07:20 AM |
Thread: 2023 Summer VHF UHF Field Day 14/15 January
Post: RE: 2023 Summer VHF UHF Field Day 14/15 January
VK3PY Wrote: (18-01-2023, 10:55 AM)
Another rule that I observed being breached concerned the use of multiple call signs by operators, i.e. making contest exchanges under two or more callsigns. On... |
VK2ZRH/4 |
Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA
7 |
2,313 |
05-02-2023, 07:06 AM |