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Remote your shack, how do you do it? - Printable Version

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Remote your shack, how do you do it? - VK5PJ - 23-10-2018

 as a keen VHF operator, I am often frustrated by the good openings happening while I am at work. . . maybe you have had similar frustrations, maybe you could add your input to this thread.

What really sparked this up to 'frenzy' level was the opening on 50 MHz across the south pole last December, I would have to come to work knowing that some time mid morning there would be most probably be an opening and I would be at work.  Arrrgh Angry

Okay, so my work involves me spending a lot of time in front of a PC, with the occasional slow time where I have to wait for other processes to finish, step one how do I get to connect to my Shack PC from work?  For me this step involved creating a free account with TeamViewer which allows me to install their software on the work PC and the home PC.  I can then as needed connect to the home PC.

To control the rig, it is connected to the Shack PC via either a mix of USB and serial data, so the WSJT-X and FLdigi software has control over the rig.  So now I can at least run JT65, WSPR or FT8 from remote (even from the teamviewer app on my phone).

Next step, how do I control the rotator, hmmm  this step has caused me a lot of headaches as to what to use, I eventually settled on an EA4TX rotator controller that plugs up to a USB port on the PC and can be controled a number of different ways.

Okay, I can QSY, change modes, turn the antennas but how do I turn on the 50MHz amp?  enter a little box called a RLY-8 purchased from an ebay seller (seller Id is: IOT-HUB) here in Australia just recently for $110.  It has an ethernet port and a USB port and can control 8 different devices via its isolated relays.  I have not connected this to my system as yet as I am working on the best way to switch the 50MHz amp, 144 MHz amp and a few other accessories in the shack but my initial testing looks good (no birdies found on the bands from this box).

Peter, vk5pj

RE: Remote your shack, how do you do it? - VK2CSW - 23-10-2018

Hi Peter,

I have spent more hours working over RDP & published desktops so this intrigued me. I had a quick surf through the FAQ and support pages for TeamViewer, but didn't come up with an answer.

Does the 'fixed PC', i.e. the shack PC in this case need a fixed IP or Dynamic DNS? Or is the TeamViewer client keeping tabs on that?

I am not sure I want/need external access but it is an interesting idea. (What I really need is just an RDP, XRDP or VNC to the shack machine I suppose. Alas the RPi project has hit a couple of snags - monetary and time related).

RE: Remote your shack, how do you do it? - VK5PJ - 23-10-2018

Hey Colin,
 my home PC is just ISP dynamic, no fancy fixed IP here Smile the link is all managed by both ends connecting to a teamviewer web site service and the initial handshake happens there.

I even have teamviewer on my Raspberry PI 3 and use that from work too for when I need to test the outside interfaces at work ( IT systems Admin at a large school ).  The PC at work is ONLY setup for outbound connections, where as home is setup for only inbound so I can maintain a level of isolation between work and home functions (so my boss is happy).

As I mentioned in the orig post, have teamviewer on my Android phone too and can control from there in a pinch.

I do have a dynamic DNS name for my outside interface but it plays no part in the teamviewer setup.. I used that for a pair of RemoteRig boxes I was trying to use from a hill top (on hold because of RSI at the hill top site)
