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Can't access the forum anymore ??? - Printable Version

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Can't access the forum anymore ??? - VK4ADC - 04-03-2024

If you cannot access the forum any more then it could be that your IP range has been blocked as part of an approach to keep out a recent steady stream of Russian hackers..  Unfortunately other valid users might get blocked also but there is little can be done about that.

One Russian hacker did make it through last week, had a post accessable for about 3 hours and posted just once, part in English and part in Russian. Since then, the server access logs have been reviewed and any IP address range seen to be a viable hacker access point has been blocked.  This is being reviewed daily and more new address blocks are excluded each time checked.

If you have been blocked then the only way an unblock will occur is if you directly email me your IP address and user name and I will check the user log.  
I will NOT unblock IPs that are from VPNs.

If you don't know how to email me then you need to do a bit of research !

Doug VK4ADC, admin

RE: Can't access the forum anymore ??? - VK5ZD - 07-03-2024

Stating the obvious perhaps, but how do expect anyone to read this post if they've been blocked?

RE: Can't access the forum anymore ??? - VK4ADC - 07-03-2024

Google and other search engines traverse the forum every day so a search will reveal all !
And that includes the content..

RE: Can't access the forum anymore ??? - VK5AC - 05-06-2024

thanks for the unblocking range. Working well now again. 