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I have a radio manufactured by Small Ships Radio Service Melbourne, and hoping someone can provide some information.

The model is KB 4.  There are no other markings, and it did not have a case.

I managed to wrangle some valves out of what appears to be the final stage, they are 5763 beam tetrodes.  Also in radio are a couple of hefty looking power transistors.  Another 8 valves are in the lineup, but I haven't taken the cans off to look at numbers.

The set is powered off 12v DC.

Any help is appreciated.

Did "Small Ships Radio Service" take off after my grandfather stopped manufacturing spark gap
transmitters just after WW1 ? E.G.Beard
Later years he did Audio amplifiers for picture theatres, AM radios with separate SW band modules,
not just switched coils. During WWII gear to detect V2 rockets. Company name "Udisco".
Remember the "Daylight Screens" for overhead projectors in the 1960s, his invention.

Your set:
Does it have a Modulation Transformer indicating AM ?
Big Germanium power transistors and silicon diodes for DC-DC converters were available in the early 1960s.
But valves still were king at any RF work.

A piece of history, 2182, 2201 2524 4125 and 6204 KHz as I recall.

Is the KB 4 possibly AWA related?

I think (and I stress "think"), Small Ships Radio Service was a division of OTC, which inherited a load of AWA and Cable & Wireless stuff back in the mid 40's.