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Thought I will look for a different memory manager for my ICOM;s so tried vk4adc's offering but end up with am epic fail reading the memories of my 7600.  I have empty slots in there for future expansion and the utility stops when it finds an empty one.. back to using promemedit.exe for me.

any one have any good suggestions for a way to manipulate the memories in an ICOM without punching lots of keys?

Peter, vk5pj

I am no longer working on the Icom MEMS software but certainly it should keep going past empty channels...  I don't have an IC-7600 to test it on so am unlikely to be able to solve whatever issues do occur. The 7600 profile data was created purely from the 7600 User Manual info so there is always a possibility of error there.

There was a European amateur last year (or the one previous) who allowed me remote access to his PC so that I could see what the software was doing with his Icom gear and I did a few adjustments to the code, uploaded a revised version a few times before I got it working satisfactorily. I am not suggesting that I do that with you as I haven't even re-compiled the code in recent times and have no idea whether my current Delphi IDE is the same as it was back then.

The original reason I wrote it then was because I couldn't find an alternative to do the job for multiple Icom models. Maybe there is something around now - if so then please link!


IDE: Integrated Development Environment

I have managed to recompile the Delphi source today. Initially it too skipped channels on 'memories read' but I have altered the timings and it now reads all memories in a bank correctly on an IC-7000.   I emailed a link directly to you but then considered that I probably need others to test the revised code too.

The link to the new Zipped version is here.

The original web page currently shows the software as at but this is actually identified internally as

Feedback is desired..

thanks Doug, did not expect you to dig it out of the archive... will try it again when the temp gets below 35 deg (still that hot at 9pm)

Hi Doug,
 now has read all of my memories from the 7600, did not try the 910 yet as it is busy on WSPR.  Will have a look at the output file and see what I can do with it.


I have made one final alteration to V1.1.0.10 so that it will probably pay to download the most recent version from HERE

This version automatically names the saved memory data files with bank number (when applicable depending on the model involved) plus date and time so that overwriting earlier (and probably not backed up) files  is avoided. These CSV memory files are only 5KB-15KB in size so minimal disk overhead is involved in saving extras.  You can always edit the file name away from the default value before pressing Save anyway.
Default file format for newer models is now Icom model code, bank number, date, time .CSV   ( eg 'IC7000 Mems Bank 3 28-01-2018 9-00-54 AM.csv' )

There is now also a "Show A Only" tickbox at the top centre so that only the "A" settings plus memory label is displayed. Clear the tick to return to full display.

No other changes were made to the body of the code.

The web page at has now been updated to show plus a few no-longer-relevant sections have been removed.


PS Just a little oops.. the ZIP file on the web site did not originally overwrite - but it has been fixed now. The version for download is definitely
30 Jan 12:30PM....