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Full Version: Geminids meteor shower, mid-Dec 2022
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The following article makes for interesting reading for existing or maybe-thinking-about-it meteor-scatter operators :

It might be worthwhile putting the gear on 50.230 USB here in VK, MSK144 mode, TR 15 seconds, FTol set to 200 Hz, using WSJT-X or similar software. Needless to say, an interface option between the radio and computer is a necessity but if you are one of those (of the multitudes) who own an IC-7300 (or similar mode) then the rig control and usb audio interface is already available.  

I am guessing Google will show a fair number of results for setting up the software with your radio, whether it details just configuration for FT8 or other digital mode, do that then select the MSK144 mode, aand the rest of the settings given above, then have a try.

Note that there is a "timing plan" for MS operations :

South, West = evens (ie First period)  { eg VK3,5,7 transits to VK4 }
North, East = odds (ie Second period) { eg VK4 transmits to VK3,5,7 }
VK2s can go evens to work VK4 or odds to work VK3/5/7
It is all to do with relative Latitude...

Given that it is only a day or so away from the peak, it bears some thinking about.