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Full Version: Grid Tracker, spread out across multiple computers
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 it seems there are no end to the number of add-on programs we can use to try and improve our on-air operating.  One I was pointed towards some time ago is a thing called Grid tracker.  Now if you have not heard of it, do a google and see for your self.

It produces a nice onscreen map and over lays the activity being decoded by your WSJT-X or clone there of (JTDX etc).  Which is all well and good BUT to make the map use full it needs to take up a fair bit of screen area so I have generally not had it running all that often.

Now leveraging off my other topic of sending all the reporting data from my copies of WSJT-X (across 3 computers) to a single location, it came to mind I could try Grid tracker on one of the other PC's that has a smaller monitor and let it take up the whole screen there, leaving the primary PC free to have VKspotter, ON4KST and other resources open along with WSJT-X..

Once again, in all your instances of WSJT-X you need to set up the "Reporting" tab to have the broadcast address to be '' not '' and tick the option to send the data to the "Ethernet" or 'Wifi' network port.  Once this is done, you set Gridtracker to look for its data on the IP of and the default port 2237.

Then like magic all the data from across the network is piped to Gridtracker as if it was on your local PC..  this even works if I go to the House PC and fire up gridtracker as a silent monitoring screen that I can glance up at when other interests lets me..

Yet again, we can get the information we want, without having to 'be there' all the time.