WSPRView for Windows (64 replies)
FORUM CHANGE (44 replies)
ACMA Consultation : non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements (41 replies)
Forum setup issues (40 replies)
NBN interference (39 replies)
Future assessments - WIA or other ?? (39 replies)
What's on your workbench? (35 replies)
Off-Centre Fed Dipole Question/s (32 replies)
23 on 23 for Sydney area (31 replies)
FreeDV using Codec2 a low bit rate HF codec (29 replies)
Whats on your Workbench ? (29 replies)
Moonbounce on 1296 MHz (28 replies)
Radio Reminiscences (28 replies)
FT8 and Q65 to JA during TEP on 2m (27 replies)
2017 Spring VHF/UHF Field Day (27 replies)
VK2RSY 23CM Beacon (37,124 views)
Proposed amateur class licensing arrangements and high power operation Comnsult.31/22 (31,225 views)
W1GHZ 10 & 24GHz offset feed horns available again (29,852 views)
Turn over your dusty or unloved uWave gear (29,530 views)
E51WL/b (29,167 views)
Is there any interest in working upper bands during the ILLW 2023? (29,065 views)
Microwave Activity Day [MAD] this Sunday 23rd July (27,444 views)
Aust 2x1 callsigns now available 13Oct21 (26,406 views)
June 23-on-23 Activation Event (26,178 views)
Mt Anakie 2m beacon... is it OK? (24,525 views)
fast beacon keyer mega16 (24,486 views)
Like it's not expensive enough already (24,348 views)
ICOM 24GHz transverter for the IC-905 ... maybe... (19,332 views)
WSPRView for Windows (17,398 views)
FT-60R Battery Pack (16,866 views)