Foundation Licence V10 syllabus
From the latest ACMA amateur radio eBulletin :

13 October 2020

Revised foundation amateur radio syllabus
As advised in our July e-bulletin, we have revised the process for updating the amateur radio syllabus to remove the requirement that the Syllabus Review Panel must approve changes. 

We have now advised the Australian Maritime College (AMC) of changes to the foundation syllabus and requested they ensure the amateur radio examinations they conduct (including by its accredited assessors) are based on the revised foundation syllabus.

The changes relate to removing historical restrictions on foundation licensees from the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015, and some editorial changes. The revised syllabus is available on the AMC website.
(Ed : now V10)

Future changes to the syllabus will be undertaken through the ACMA’s usual consultation process with the broader amateur community – we’ll let you know when this happens.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Foundation Licence V10 syllabus - by VK4ADC - 13-10-2020, 04:33 PM

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