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    Thread: WIA and the Google Suite
Post: RE: WIA and the Google Suite

I only used it because I had to be a WIA member to be an assessor, so took advantage of it, but since I no longer have to be a member I won't renew next month. But to change from a simple redirect,...
VK4BLP W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 9 3,593 25-02-2019, 04:39 PM
    Thread: VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019
Post: RE: VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019

More the question is "if vklogger is going to dump his chat option, then why can't someone else fill the gap ?" Seems that someone should take it on, as I hear it is quite useful for some.
VK4BLP General Discussion 25 8,005 25-02-2019, 04:33 PM
    Thread: AHRDF Forum - where do we go from here ?
Post: RE: AHRDF Forum - where do we go from here ?

I'm still behind the forum Doug, and will happily keep hosting it. Places like Stalkbook just can't become a repository of useful information, as forums like this have and will continue to contain....
VK4BLP General Discussion 25 5,019 10-08-2018, 10:13 AM
    Thread: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree
Post: RE: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree

Sounds good Doug ! I'll have to give you a call some time soon then. :)
VK4BLP Towers, Masts & Transmission Lines, Antennas 7 3,640 01-06-2018, 09:39 PM
    Thread: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree
Post: RE: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree

Never thought about that Michael. I was thinking about the way I had thought of doing it, of changing it to a folded dipole at a later date. Never considered a colinear before.
VK4BLP Towers, Masts & Transmission Lines, Antennas 7 3,640 30-05-2018, 11:10 PM
    Thread: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree
Post: RE: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree

Thanks for that... I'm hoping to have a few radio club mates come out to give me a hand..... I'm not good at climbing trees. :) I was hoping someone might have some better ideas of securing the ba...
VK4BLP Towers, Masts & Transmission Lines, Antennas 7 3,640 30-05-2018, 06:00 PM
    Thread: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree
Post: Mount a 2m vertical off a tree

I'm looking at getting some elevation to my 2m irlp antenna, and was seriously considering mount it up a tree and offset from the trunk by about 2,000mm :) What I'm considering doing is strapping/b...
VK4BLP Towers, Masts & Transmission Lines, Antennas 7 3,640 30-05-2018, 12:25 PM
    Thread: The FT8 digital mode has big uptake
Post: RE: The FT8 digital mode has big uptake

Sounds like a damn good way to operate. When I was at Doug's qth I noticed he was running split and as described it made a lot of sense.
VK4BLP Digital Modes 13 4,295 28-05-2018, 10:33 AM
    Thread: The FT8 digital mode has big uptake
Post: RE: The FT8 digital mode has big uptake

VK5PJ Wrote: (27-04-2018, 03:15 PM) -- a friend used this description last year when taking about FT8, he said it was like "Speed dating" -- Hahaha... classic.
VK4BLP Digital Modes 13 4,295 27-04-2018, 03:26 PM
    Thread: The FT8 digital mode has big uptake
Post: RE: The FT8 digital mode has big uptake

Looks like a fun mode to get involved in. Going to have to do a bit more digging and seeing how I can get in to it, and getting some stuff happening on my Kenwood TS-2000.  :)
VK4BLP Digital Modes 13 4,295 26-04-2018, 08:48 PM
    Thread: WIA AGM 2018 - Gold Coast, Seaworld Resort
Post: RE: WIA AGM 2018 - Gold Coast, Seaworld Resort

thinking about going along too.
VK4BLP W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 17 5,083 06-03-2018, 11:12 AM
    Thread: NBN Sagas
Post: RE: NBN Sagas

VK2ZIW Wrote: (14-02-2018, 06:51 AM) -- So, if the fiber comes from it to my FTTC (four way box in my street pit, 20m away) and I power it from my UPS, I will have service. But, if I get FTTN ( a...
VK4BLP Computer related 18 5,199 15-02-2018, 08:56 PM
    Thread: AR Magazine - changing in 2018
Post: RE: AR Magazine - changing in 2018

And you will still get Amateurs who will bitch about it because ..... The content is too old The content is above their comprehension The content doesn't interest them. They are welcome ...
VK4BLP W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 1 2,239 28-12-2017, 07:14 PM
    Thread: WIA: Online survey (Aug 2017)
Post: RE: WIA: Online survey (Aug 2017)

Done... the longer one. :)
VK4BLP W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 4 2,360 11-09-2017, 05:30 PM
    Thread: WIA weekly news links
Post: RE: WIA weekly news links

And several IRLP nodes on 2m and 70cm also re-broadcast this same news several times per week. I know, my IRLP node on 145.400 does it, and many others do too, so you can turn your little handheld...
VK4BLP W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 1 1,946 24-07-2017, 02:09 PM
    Thread: Registered user access only ??
Post: RE: Registered user access only ??

Not sure myself if it would be as good a thing as what might be thought. Not sure if we'd then loose stuff from places like Google, which should be attracting people here. Yep, don't want scum t...
VK4BLP SYSTEM NOTICES 8 3,262 24-07-2017, 02:02 PM
    Thread: Trans Tasman Low Bands Challenge 15th July 2017
Post: RE: Trans Tasman Low Bands Challenge 15th July 201...

vk4adc Wrote: (17-07-2017, 09:25 AM) -- "Anyway, just wondering if many heard vk4wss on the during the TT ??" I heard VK4WSS on 160M at one stage working a VK2? but did not hear the call again on ...
VK4BLP Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 9 2,997 17-07-2017, 04:14 PM
    Thread: Trans Tasman Low Bands Challenge 15th July 2017
Post: RE: Trans Tasman Low Bands Challenge 15th July 201...

Went to the SARS weekend down at Bigriggen yesterday arvo to set up my newly built 160-80-40 trapped v dipole, but alas it went out of tune with wires resting up against trees and the like, as well as...
VK4BLP Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 9 2,997 16-07-2017, 08:22 PM
    Thread: IP Address bans
Post: RE: IP Address bans

in addition to what the Admin has said, if you hear of someone who has suddenly been locked out of the forum, please get them to send an email to the above address. I'm sure the Admin would like to...
VK4BLP SYSTEM NOTICES 7 3,508 12-07-2017, 07:06 PM
    Thread: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz
Post: RE: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz

I heard it when I was in grid square QG62LG51 the other day. :)
VK4BLP AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 12 5,270 11-07-2017, 03:49 PM
    Thread: Forum: moving, moving, MOVED...
Post: RE: Forum: moving, moving, MOVED...

that was a smooth move ! :)
VK4BLP SYSTEM NOTICES 10 5,246 10-07-2017, 11:55 AM
    Thread: Trans Tasman Low Bands Challenge 15th July 2017
Post: RE: Trans Tasman Low Bands Challenge 15th July 201...

Southside Amateur Radio Society is going to run the club station at Bigriggen, south of Beaudesert in SE Qld, and will be active only on SSB.
VK4BLP Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 9 2,997 07-07-2017, 09:25 PM
    Thread: FORUM CHANGE

Hopefully when people put up relevant posts, shared on their facebook pages or on fb groups that they frequent, people will really see the resource we have here that benefits the whole Amateur Radio c...
VK4BLP SYSTEM NOTICES 44 15,193 04-07-2017, 09:44 AM
    Thread: JOTA 2017 - 60th Jamboree On The Air
Post: RE: JOTA 2017 - 60th Jamboree On The Air

Coming up, and I'll bet most clubs won't have heard from the scouts they helped out last year for JOTA. Hopefully we might hear from them over the next couple of months.
VK4BLP Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 4 1,988 22-06-2017, 11:10 PM
    Thread: POLL: The future of OzLogger Forum
Post: Re: POLL: The future of OzLogger Forum

You will always get people telling you that forums are dead, Stalkbook (facebook) is the only way to go. Like pretty much everyone who comes here believe the forum is the best way to help foster amat...
VK4BLP General Discussion 24 6,624 04-06-2017, 10:17 PM