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    Thread: Presidents Info Session
Post: Presidents Info Session

I promise to get better with posting here with WIA related events. Last night we conducted a Teams session with affiliated Club Presidents.  I think it went pretty well.  Unfortunately it was rathe...
VK4EA W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 0 861 07-06-2024, 05:30 PM
    Thread: Callbook
Post: Callbook

Cross posted from BookFace. I recently attended the NZART AGM and Conference held in Christchurch and held a copy of their 2024 callbook in my hands. Made me think about putting effort into bringing...
VK4EA W.I.A. / ITU / IARU 6 2,292 05-06-2024, 01:14 PM
    Thread: SG Lab 3.4 GHz transverter
Post: RE: SG Lab 3.4 GHz transverter

They work pretty well barefoot using a GARC panel antenna. Used mine for a 35 km contact from Moreton Island to Mt Gravatt over Moreton Bay. Planning on pairing it with a modified 2.4 GHz gridpa...
VK4EA 1296MHz, Microwave & Opto 6 9,762 17-02-2021, 06:07 PM
    Thread: Mt Glorious 147.000/146.400MHz FM repeater, VK4RBN
Post: Mt Glorious 147.000/146.400MHz FM repeater, VK4RBN

Correction, 143. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
VK4EA FM, Repeaters, D-STAR 3 2,141 29-01-2019, 08:31 AM
    Thread: Mt Glorious 147.000/146.400MHz FM repeater, VK4RBN
Post: Mt Glorious 147.000/146.400MHz FM repeater, VK4RBN

Due to continued interference coming from the Somerset area (Brisbane Valley) on the input frequency we will be forced to implement a Digital Code Squelch on the input frequency while we wait for the ...
VK4EA FM, Repeaters, D-STAR 3 2,141 19-01-2019, 01:09 PM
    Thread: 2018 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 23 and 24 June 2018
Post: 2018 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 23 and 24 June 201...

I got active for microwave only contacts Sunday morning from QG63mk, Maleny escarpment. The weather initially promised low dew point conditions however the persistent Southeast breezes we had over th...
VK4EA Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 21 5,514 25-06-2018, 07:53 AM
    Thread: 2018 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 23 and 24 June 2018
Post: 2018 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 23 and 24 June 201...

VK4EA Wrote: (16-06-2018, 01:34 PM) -- Sunday morning I’ll be at Howell’s Knob to enjoy some low dew point micro/millimetre operating on 5.7/10/24 and 47GHz. if i get motivated I may have 1.2 and 2....
VK4EA Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 21 5,514 18-06-2018, 07:37 PM
    Thread: 2018 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 23 and 24 June 2018
Post: 2018 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 23 and 24 June 201...

Sunday morning I’ll be at Howell’s Knob to enjoy some low dew point micro/millimetre operating on 5.7/10/24 and 47GHz. if i get motivated I may have 1.2 and 2.4GHz as well. Sent from my iPhone usin...
VK4EA Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 21 5,514 16-06-2018, 01:34 PM
    Thread: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz
Post: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz Beacon in place. Sent from my iPhone u...
VK4EA AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 12 5,270 30-03-2018, 11:45 AM
    Thread: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz
Post: RE: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz

VK4ADC Wrote: (28-03-2018, 07:09 AM) -- Peter I will look for it after Friday and see how strong the signal is here then, versus its normal level just in the noise.. Good to hear the studies ha...
VK4EA AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 12 5,270 28-03-2018, 08:07 PM
    Thread: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz
Post: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz

VK4ADC Wrote: (19-03-2018, 12:05 PM) -- So it has passed the heat soak and reliability test how many months on ??? Tell us here when it finally moves please. -- A thousand apologies Doug, I have...
VK4EA AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 12 5,270 27-03-2018, 07:09 PM
    Thread: VK4 MAD, 8th of April
Post: VK4 MAD, 8th of April

Who’s operating where? I’ve updated my vk4ea/p with my planned location. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
VK4EA Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 1 1,544 19-03-2018, 10:22 PM
    Thread: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz
Post: RE: VK4RRC 10 metre beacon on 28.265 MHz

I'm looking at moving the beacon to the real site Easter weekend.
VK4EA AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 12 5,270 19-03-2018, 11:53 AM