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    Thread: WSPRView for Windows
Post: RE: WSPRView for Windows

Hi Doug, Thanks for the info. I have just tried downloading WSPRview on a current Dell Laptop and have had the same error be displayed on that system too which is Windows 10. [hr] I have downloaded...
VK2KRR Digital Modes 64 17,692 06-12-2023, 09:15 AM
    Thread: 6m & 2m WSPR Challenge for Summer 23/24
Post: RE: 6m & 2m WSPR Challenge for Summer 23/24

Hi VK4PK, there is no real rules or entry requirement. You just need to be active on 6m & 2m WSPR and upload your receptions to the WSPRnet database as normal. The results are gathered by John VK2IJM...
VK2KRR Digital Modes 3 7,419 05-12-2023, 02:39 PM
    Thread: WSPRView for Windows
Post: RE: WSPRView for Windows

Hi Doug, I just downloaded the new version of WSPRview, im afraid my PC is not able to run the exe, it comes up with an error stating - WSPRView.exe - Unable to locate component This applicati...
VK2KRR Digital Modes 64 17,692 05-12-2023, 02:12 PM
    Thread: WSPRView for Windows
Post: RE: WSPRView for Windows

Hi Doug, I still use version 17 here and it doesnt seem to be getting the data. Do I need to use version 20?
VK2KRR Digital Modes 64 17,692 04-11-2023, 09:14 PM
  Shocked Thread: 6m & 2m WSPR Challenge for Summer 23/24
Post: 6m & 2m WSPR Challenge for Summer 23/24

Its only just around the corner! Feel free to let us know what changes and updates you have made to your station to be ready for the challenge this summer!
VK2KRR Digital Modes 3 7,419 03-11-2023, 10:29 AM
  Shocked Thread: WSPRView for Windows
Post: RE: WSPRView for Windows

Hello Doug, It seems that recently WSPRnet has changed servers and thus it appears that WSPRview is no longer able to retrieve the required data. Would it be possible for you to do an update to ...
VK2KRR Digital Modes 64 17,692 03-11-2023, 10:24 AM
  Music Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: RE: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023

Here we are with the final results for the 6 & 2m WSPR Winter Challenge 2023! :heart: Some great results especially on the 2m band in July with maximum distance achieved of 1421 km. On 6m band the...
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 12-08-2023, 10:05 AM
  Thumbs Up Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: RE: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023

Final results for the JULY leg of the 6m & 2m WSPR Challenge! July was a fantastic month for 144 MHz propagation 144 MHz JULY RESULTS ...
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 10-08-2023, 03:46 PM
    Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: RE: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023

Thanks to John VK2IJM for an update of the Challenge Leaderboards for up to 23rd July. We are in the closing stages now, not long left in the winter Challenge. July has been a super Tropo Ducting m...
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 24-07-2023, 09:04 PM
    Thread: Winter Es on 6m WSPR - July 2023
Post: Winter Es on 6m WSPR - July 2023

There has not been many 6m WSPR Sporadic E openings this winter, but we got one yesterday afternoon 15th July 2023. Mostly confined to the eastern side of the country and went from mid afternoon and ...
VK2KRR 50MHz 0 11,971 16-07-2023, 02:15 PM
  Big Grin Thread: Tropo Duct 10/11 July '23 - 144 MHz WSPR
Post: RE: Tropo Duct 10/11 July '23 - 144 MHz WSPR

The Tropospheric conditions experienced on the 10th July also continued through the day and night to the 11th July. Quite interesting conditions being experienced across the inland from the Sydney re...
VK2KRR 144MHz & 432MHz 3 7,134 11-07-2023, 11:31 AM
  Big Grin Thread: Tropo Duct 10/11 July '23 - 144 MHz WSPR
Post: Tropo Duct 10/11 July '23 - 144 MHz WSPR

A somewhat unexpected Tropospheric Ducting opening overnight and still ongoing now in south east Australia on 2m WSPR (and moving to SSB voice QSO in some cases) with distances extending as far as 142...
VK2KRR 144MHz & 432MHz 3 7,134 10-07-2023, 12:31 PM
    Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: RE: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023

This is the 6m WSPR RX Distance table for June... with the actual distances included :D
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 05-07-2023, 12:50 PM
    Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: RE: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Challenge 2023

Here we are with the full June results for the 6m & 2m WSPR Winter Challenge 2023. Many of the guys active on 6m and 2m during the WSPR Challenges put in a big effort to do as well as they do, from...
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 03-07-2023, 07:53 PM
    Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: RE: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023

Here we are with our mid June results update. As a brief summary, I'd say so far the propagation has been relatively bad on all fronts with some limited 2m tropo and 6m E openings. Having said this...
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 25-06-2023, 07:12 PM
  Thumbs Down Thread: Australian Wind and Solar - Issues/caution
Post: Australian Wind and Solar - Issues/caution

Wondering has anyone here had dealings with a Melbourne based company called Australian Wind and Solar? I have, and it has not been a good experience at all....
VK2KRR General Discussion 1 2,341 07-06-2023, 04:28 PM
    Thread: Esperance Beacons Required 2m 6m
Post: RE: Esperance Beacons Required 2m 6m

I cant answer those questions sorry Bo. Someone from VK6 would need to make some comments. I believe previously the beacon was located on the property of Bill VK6AS (sk) in Esperance. He passed awa...
VK2KRR AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 4 14,170 07-06-2023, 12:37 PM
    Thread: Esperance Beacons Required 2m 6m
Post: Esperance Beacons Required 2m 6m

If anyone is able to set up beacons at Esperance WA (VK6) that would be much appreciated by many on the east side of Australia. It is not only within a single Sporadic E hop for some, but also tropo s...
VK2KRR AIS, Beacons, FM & TV DX 4 14,170 04-06-2023, 02:41 PM
  Smile Thread: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023
Post: 6m - 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge 2023

Hi Guys, Just a note to advise that we are running the 6m & 2m WSPR Winter Leaderboard Challenge again this winter 2023. The event runs across all June and July. Again, John VK2IJM is gathering ...
VK2KRR Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA 6 5,598 04-06-2023, 02:04 PM
    Thread: Internode & IInet close their user web spaces
Post: RE: Internode & IInet close their user web spaces

Lucky Peter to get as much time free as you have. I had a number of sites with Bigpond and I think they stopped their free web hosting maybe 10 years ago :( Always the way, money hungry.
VK2KRR General Discussion 7 5,089 04-06-2023, 01:36 PM
    Thread: MS or SpE ?
Post: RE: MS or SpE ?

Technically, you could call a meteor signal Sporadic E, because its activating the E layer sporadically in the surrounding area of the Ionospheric E layer where the meteor passes.
VK2KRR 50MHz 6 16,822 17-05-2023, 11:15 AM
  Exclamation Thread: 6m & 2m WSPR Summer Leaderboard Challenge - December 2022 Results
Post: 6m & 2m WSPR Summer Leaderboard Challenge - Decemb...

These are the results for the December 2022 leg of the 6m & 2m WSPR Leaderboard Challenge. A special thanks to John VK2IJM who has been maintaining the results tables whilst in and out of hospital ba...
VK2KRR Digital Modes 0 2,732 08-01-2023, 07:25 AM
    Thread: 6m WSPR @ 5:30am 29.12.22
Post: 6m WSPR @ 5:30am 29.12.22

Sporadic E propagation on 6m WSPR has been going all night. Checking at 5.30am this morning 29.12.22 its still going even now. Im still getting to VK6 and VK8, 5.30am. Brilliant! https://www.ahrd...
VK2KRR Propagation and Solar Cycle News 0 745 29-12-2022, 05:20 AM
    Thread: 6m WSPR paths with N3IZN 28.12.22
Post: 6m WSPR paths with N3IZN 28.12.22

Numerous long lasting 6m WSPR opening with Chris N3IZN today 28.12.22 during the middle of the day. An extra path not listed and the longest of the day was with Rob VK5ZRL at 13231 km with 4 recorded...
VK2KRR Propagation and Solar Cycle News 1 6,580 28-12-2022, 08:36 PM
    Thread: 2EFM-6CPU 144 MHz Christmas Eve Special!
Post: 2EFM-6CPU 144 MHz Christmas Eve Special!

VK2EFM gets its done on 144 MHz to VK6CPU/P Christmas Eve at 3051 km. On the 24.12.22 at 0524z a 144 MHz WSPR signal was decoded at VK6CPU/p remote site at Albany. Initially thought probably an in...
VK2KRR Propagation and Solar Cycle News 0 576 26-12-2022, 07:25 AM